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Solar Power Offgrid System Case Study: Ridgway Adventure School

Ridgeway Adventure School is located in a remote part of the Northwest Highlands.  The School provides residential trips and camps for young people as well as courses for adults and families.  Its location means there is no connection to the electrical distribution grid and the main part of the school is run using diesel generators linked to a battery bank. 


As part of reducing their diesel use and pursuing their own net zero ambitions, Proterra Energy was asked to look at installing solar panels at the site to provide renewable power to the offgrid system.


A site visit identified a number of potential locations where solar could be fitted, primarily using existing roof space.  The solar could be integrated with the existing battery system on site.   The first tranche of solar panels were fitted in 2022 and have been operating since then, feeding solar power into the offgrid system.  Whilst it is currently only a contribution, it means less run time on the diesel generator.


The Client has potential plans to increase the solar capacity once some modifications to the roof of other buildings are carried out.


The offgrid system can also be used to help provide an overview of offgrid renewable systems to interested learners as part of their visit to the school.

To learn more about the school please visit


To learn more about making off grid energy work for you, contact us and speak to one of our experienced engineers.

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